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Service:Follow-up Treatment OR Sports Rehab (60 minutes) change

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60 minutes session is suitable for one musculoskeletal (MSK) injury/ or localised issue. Follow up MSK treatment and rehab sessions are CLIENT CENTRED and depending on your injury condition may include: Soft Tissue Techniques, Joint Mobilisation and Manipulation, Exercise therapy and programme design, Electro-therapy, Education and advice.

Following a musculoskeletal (MSK) assessment your therapist will discuss with you what treatments would be most effective for your condition. We offer a range of treatments including:

Soft Tissue Techniques:

Soft tissues are the non-bony structures in the body. For example muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves and the fascia (tissue that covers and connects muscles). An injury may damage any of these structures when they are overstretched or torn.
Scar tissue is then formed to repair the damage. This is strong and effective at mending but much less mobile and flexible as the original structure. Without treatment to improve the quality and mobility of scar tissue and release the tight structures then movement may be affected and reoccurrence of the injury is more likely.
Overuse of a tissue  due to poor prolonged postures or repeated unaccustomed movement for example a  bad posture at work or in the car can lead to changes and damage to tissues over a longer period of time. These types of problem also benefit from soft tissue techniques.
Following any type of operation there will be extensive scar formation in all the structures that were involved and addressing those will improve the outcome of the operation.
Treatment targets the  tissues with specialist techniques that help improve scar tissue, stretch muscles and reduce the ‘knots’ or stretch the connecting fascia.
Soft tissue techniques include: myofascial release, trigger point release, friction massage and general massage.

Joint Mobilisation and Manipulation:

Joints may become stiff and painful after injury, an operation, through degeneration or wear and tear. Once a movement in a joint is reduced a vicious circle of pain and stiffness develops: you move it less as it hurts, but this causes more stiffness and reduced joint movement, so you move it even less.
Joint mobilisation techniques are used to help reduce joint pain and stiffness and therefore improve and restore joint movement.

Exercises therapy:

Exercises are very important to help improve muscle strength and flexibility (length), and improve movement. Your therapist will teach and advise you on specific exercises for your condition that you can do at home or at a gym, whatever is more suitable for you.
Following an injury, operation or any condition that causes you pain, muscles become weaker due to actual fibre damage and their reaction to pain which is for some of them to ‘switch off’.  It is therefore of utmost importance that you do specific exercise to regain the muscle strength and support. This is important as joint need strong muscles around them to enable them to move well.
Exercises are client centred which can help conditions such as poor posture and back pain. Exercise helps you to strengthen and control your postural muscles which lie deep within your body providing support to our spine.

Dry needling & Acupuncture

They include the insertion of very fine, single use sterile needles into areas of pain and muscle tightness. It is used as an adjunct to other therapy techniques.


This involves using machines such as ultrasound, interferential and TENS. The type of machine chosen will depend on your condition. For example ultrasound can be used to aid injured ligaments to heal and TENS can help to control pain.

Education and advice

We believe it is important to understand your condition so you can promote your recovery. This may include advice on how best to set your desk and chair up (ergonomics) at work, how to pace or modify activities.

Your Therapist: No preference, Manil, Daniel, Mahdi
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